Is It Safe To Jump Rope After A Total Knee Replacement
Jump rope may be a safe and effective way to condition your body for impact while minimizing the wear and tear on a new knee replacement.
The main reason many surgeons recommend no jogging or impact sports after a knee replacement is due to the possibility of the implant wearing out prematurely or the failure of the plastic components.
Jump rope affords the jumper a way to initate a return to impact activities while controlling the intensity, duration, and magnitude of impact. Jump rope after knee replacement might be a great precursor to jogging and other impact sports.
Why are running, jogging, and other impact sports not recommended after knee replacement surgery?
Multiple studies suggest further research is necessary but high impact sports and contact sports should be avoided after knee replacement due to the increased risk of damage to the prosthetic implant.
In this 2011 study Physical Activity After Total Joint Arthroplasty state “Current trends in clinical opinion favor a higher level of athletic activity after TJA, but clinicians should caution patients not to participate in contact sports or sports that create high joint loads in the replaced joint.”
This 2017 study Return to sport after total or unicompartmental knee arthroplasty looks at several previous studies and suggests the decision to participate in sports after a knee replacement is far more complex and dependent on each individual’s situation.
The bottom line is the decision isn’t simple. My goal is that I can help you ask better questions and weigh the benefits and risks of both participating in these activities and not participating in these activities.
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