2022 Ebike After Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Buying an ebike after total knee replacement surgery can be an amazing way for anyone who loves cycling to resume riding a bike outdoors sooner than expected.
Buying an Ebike After Total Knee Replacement 2022 [VIDEO]
Can you ride an ebike after total knee replacement?
Yes, absolutely! In fact, Russ from the YouTube channel Russ is Right shared a video of his journey on an ebike.
Are electric bikes better for knees with osteoarthritis?
Yes. Prior to a total knee replacement surgery, clients will experience significant pain and limitation due to osteoarthritis.
What is osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative change that affects the cartilage within the knee joint. It may occur in other joints, but since we are discussing knee replacement surgery in this article we will discuss OA of the knee specifically.
What happens to osteoarthritis after a total knee replacement?
After a total knee replacement surgery, the cartilaginous ends of the femur and tibia have been removed and artificial prothetic implants have been installed. Effectively the osteoarthritis has been removed during a total knee replacement surgery.
Is an ebike better than a stationary bike for total knee replacement recovery?
An ebike still requires you to go outdoors. It still requires you to balance the bike and feel confident in your ability to negotiate obstacles.
For increased safety, a stationary bike would be recommended during the early stages of total knee replacement recovery. Typically a patient would use a stationary bike during the first 6 weeks of recovery.
When is it safe to ride an ebike after total knee replacement surgery?
This partly depends on your training history. If you were a cyclist before total knee replacement surgery then riding an ebike after total knee replacement surgery can start as soon as you have stopped using narcotic pain medication and you feel safe and balanced.
Road Rules and Laws for Electric Bikes
Here in Ohio, state law specifically classifies electric bicycles as bicycles and subject to all of the same rules and laws. Link
- Riding an Ebike after total knee replacement is a great option for anyone who needs a little assistance.
- An Ebike should be reserved for after you have stopped using narcotic pain medication and feel confident in your ability to ride a standard bicycle.
- Ebike riders must comply with normal bicycle laws.
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