What is a Heel Prop for Knee Extension [Video]

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Total Knee Replacement

Heel Prop for Knee Extension

Heel prop for knee extension is a great exercise to perform following a total knee replacement and ACL reconstruction surgery.

The exercise may be performed while in a sitting or supine position.

1. Passive Heel Prop Exercise for Knee Extension

This is the simplest form of this exercise. Simply sit on a couch and prop your heel on a coffee table or ottoman. Allow gravity to pull down on the knee for 3 to 5 minutes.

2. Heel Prop with Quad Set for Knee Extension

When you perform this exercise, the goal is to start in the same position as the passive heel prop, but intentionally tighten the quadriceps muscle and gluteus Maximus muscle. Tightening these two muscles will result in downward pressure on the heel and knee.

3. Weight Assisted Heel Prop for Knee Extension

Start in the same position as the passive heel prop. Add a cuff weight or dumbbell to the top of the leg being stretched. If you are using a cuff weight you can apply it directly to the knee. If you are using a dumbbell you may choose to place it above the knee cap on the leg being stretched.

4. Cross-Legged Heel Prop for Knee Extension

The last version in this 4 part series is the cross-legged heel prop. In this case, you will again start in the passive heel prop position. Then cross your non-surgical leg over your surgical leg with both legs straight. 

To add resistance to the stretch, you may choose to flex the knee of the top leg to 90-degrees and place the ankle of the top leg on the thigh of the leg being stretched.

Heel Prop for Knee Extension

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